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Sabtu, 30 Juni 2007 | 18.00-23.00
NightTrails at Museum
Museum Taman Prasasti
Rp. 75.000

NARA SUMBER: Asep Kambali
FASILITAS : Pin Unik Historia; Makan Malam (Nasi Ulam + Minum Bandrek sepuasnya); Air Mineral; Tour Guide; Nonton Film Tempo; Doeloe; Hands Out; Tiket Masuk Lokasi, Souvenir Unik.
TEMPAT: Museum Taman Prasasti [Samping Kantor Walikotamadya Jak-Pus]
Jl. Tanah Abang I Jakarta Pusat
PESERTA : Umum Terbatas, hanya 75 orang!!! Buruan daftar....!!!
Silahkan telpon terlebih dahulu untuk mendapatkan no. urut pembayaran, kemudian transfer ke no rekening di bawah, dengan menambahkan no. urut di belakangnya. kemudian telpon kembali/sms untuk konfirmasi bahwa anda sudah transfer.

Contoh: JP. Coen sudah telpon dan mendapatkan no urut pembayaran 9. Maka, yang harus dilakukan JP. Coen adalah mentransfer uang sejumlah Rp. 75.009 ke rekening dimaksud. Angka sebilan adalah no urut pendaftaran JP. Coen.

Silahkan Transfer melalui :
Acc. 697.0109.160 An. Asep Kambali
BCA Cab. Kartini Jakarta Pusat
Pembayaran di TUTUP pada 28 Juni 2007, pkl. 21.00 wib.
Siapa Cepat Transfer, dialah fix sebagai peserta.

Karena acara 100% Walking Tour; Maka dipersilahkan untuk membawa obat-obatan/ cemilan/ minuman pribadi secukupnya. Disarankan membawa kamera, handycam, recorder, dan handuk kecil. Gunakan pakaian casual, sandal/ sepatu kets.

Tidak Cocok untuk anak di bawah umur 8 tahun. Mohon berprilaku yang sopan dan tidak sombong ya. Juga yang paling penting adalah kita semestinya menghormati dan menghargai situs bersejarah

Rinie: 021. 7044.7220 / Udjo: 0818.0807.3636 [No SMS, Please]

Jumat, 29 Juni 2007 | 17.00-23.00
Sabtu, 30 Juni 2007 | 11.00-23.00

Plaza Selatan Senayan, samping Golf Driving Range Senayan, seberang Hotel Atlet Century more

Pulau Ayer Pier No 17
from Marina: Mon-Fri 09.00, 15.00, Sat-Sun 08.00, 10.00, 12.00, 15.00
from island: Mon-Fri 14.00, 16.30, Sat-Sun 11.00, 14.00, 15.30, 17.00Pulau Bidadari Pier No 17
from Marina
: Mon-Fri 09.00, 15.00, Sat-Sun 08.00
island: Mon-Fri 14.30, Sat-Sun 14.00, 16.00

Pulau Putri - Pier No. 9
from Marina: 08.00
from island: 14.00

Pulau Sepa - Pier No. 19
from Marina: 08.00
from island: 14.00

Pulau Kotok - Pier No. 15
from Marina: 08.00
from island: 14.00

Pulau Pantara Pier No.22
from Marina: 09.00
from island: 13.00


Package Tour: 09.00 - 16.00
Daily: 7 hours
Adult: USD 25
Child: USD 20
No Minimum

Jakarta began its history in the 14th century as a small harbor town and today become a bustling metropolitan city. Old Batavia's heart is in the 'Kota' area now. Kampoeng the Old Batavia Tour presents the uniqueness of Jakarta with various blends of culture and traditions. This Tour featuring the following objects and attractions :
- National Museum
- Glodok
- Kota Intan Drawbridge
- Sunda Kelapa Harbor
- Fatahillah Museum

For Further Information :
Tourist Information Center Jakarta Theater
+ 6221 316 1293
F 6221 314 2067


Package Tours: 09.00 - 17.00
Daily : 8 hours
Adult : USD 55
Child : USD 45
No Minimum

Drive through one of Jakarta's suburbs and lovely countryside, this tour takes you to Bogor, 60 km south of Jakarta and on to Puncak and Cisaruaarea at an altitude of 1,400 meters above sea level. This tour featuring the following objects and attractions :
- Bogor Botanical Gardens
- Puncak
- Taman Safari Indonesia

For Further Information :
Tourist Information Center Jakarta Theater
+ 6221 316 1293
F 6221 314 2067
[Foto: Bogor Cybercity]

Package Tour: 07.00 - 16.00
Daily : 12 hours
Adult : USD 60
Child : USD 45
Lunch included
Minimum of 2 pax

Bandung Volcano Tour A full day scenic-sightseeing tour to Bandung, the capital of West Java Province and the Indonesia's third largest city, also known as 'the city of flower'. A pleasant drive via Subang roads, passing by mountainous area, paddy fields, rubber and tea plantations makes this excursion worth. This tour featuring the following objects and attractions :
- Ciater Hot Spring
- Tangkuban Perahu Crater
- Cihampelas Jeans Center

For Further Information :
Tourist Information Center Jakarta Theater
+ 6221 316 1293
F 6221 314 2067
[foto: merbabu.com]

Package Tours: 08.00 pick-up at 07.00
Daily : One Day and /or Overnight Tour
Including : Transfer Hotel - Marina v.v
Boat to the chosen island v.v
Breakfast included on the Overnight Tour only
No Minimum

Destination Pulau PUTRI
One day tour: Adult 75.00 | Child 60.00
Two days/One night: Adult 140.00 | Child 90.00
Additional night: Adult 80.00 | Child 45.00
Single Suppl: 40.00

Destination Pulau SEPA
One day tour: Adult 70.00 | Child 55.00
Two days/One night: Adult 120.00 | Child 80.00
Additional night: Adult 70.00 | Child 45.00
Single Suppl: 30.00

Scattered across the Java Sea to the North of Jakarta are the tropical islands of Pulau Seribu or Thousand Islands. The area is a marine national park, though more than 20 of the islands are permitted to be exploited. The islands are anything from 15 minutes or two hours away by boat and offer a wide range of accommodation and recreational activities such as scuba diving, snorkeling, and relaxing beach life. Jakarta's 'offshore' islands start only a few km out, in the Bay of Jakarta. The waters closest to Jakarta are murky - the islands are better the farther you go from Jakarta. For those who are interested in having a break away from the daily bustle of city life, we offer 2 (two) best resorts recommended to you :
- Putri Resort
- Sepa Resort

For Further Information :
Tourist Information Center Jakarta Theater
+ 6221 316 1293
F 6221 314 2067

Package Tour: 13.00 - 18.00
Daily : 5 hours
Adult : USD 35
Child : USD 25
No Minimum

Visit and touring in Ancol Jakarta Baycity. It is Jakarta's all-in-one recreation park located on the waterfront in north of the city. Ancol is also home to the city's only appreciable beachfront, a great place for fun at the Bay of Jakarta. This tour featuring the following objects and attractions :
- Ancol Art Market
- Sea World
- Dunia Fantasi

For Further Information :
Tourist Information Center Jakarta Theater
+ 6221 316 1293
F 6221 314 2067
[Foto: ancol.com

Package Tour: 13.00 - 17.00
Daily : 4 hours
Adult : USD 25
Child : USD 20
No Minimum

Try this afternoon 'Best Introduction on Indonesia' program and find the genuine culture and tradition of Indonesia. This tour featuring the following objects and attractions :
- Beautiful Indonesia in Miniature Park
- Cable Car Ride
- Museum Indonesia

For Further Information :
Tourist Information Center Jakarta Theater
+ 6221 316 1293
F 6221 314 2067
[Foto: My Backpacking Journals

Museum Bahari
Jl. Pasar Ikan No. 1 Jakarta Utara
Telp: (62 21) 669-3406 / 669-2476

Museum Indonesia
Jl. Taman Mini I Jakarta Timur
Telp: (62 21) 840-1687, Fax: (62 21) 841-1464
email: informationcentre@taman-mini.co.id
website: www.taman-mini.co.id

Museum Informasi
Jl. Taman Mini I Jakarta Timur
Telp: (62 21) 840-1687, Fax: (62 21) 841-1464
email: informationcentre@taman-mini.co.id
website: www.taman-mini.co.id

Museum Joang 45
Jl. Menteng Raya No. 31 Jakarta Pusat
Telp: (62 21) 390-9148

Museum Komodo
Jl. Taman Mini I Jakarta Timur
Telp: (62 21) 840-1687, Fax: (62 21) 841-1464
email: informationcentre@taman-mini.co.id
website: www.taman-mini.co.id

Museum Layang layang Indonesia
Jl. Haji Kamang No. 38 Pondok Labu Jakarta Selatan
Telp: (62 21) 765-8075, Fax: (62 21) 750-5112
website: www.merindokites.com

Museum M.H. Thamrin
Jl. Kenari II / 15 Jakarta Pusat
Telp: (62 21) 352-253

Museum Nasional
Jl. Merdeka Barat 12 Jakarta Pusat
Telp: (62 21) 381-1551 / 386-8172, Fax: (62 21) 381-1076
email: museumnasional@indo.com
website: www.museumnasional.org

Museum Perangko
Jl. Taman Mini I Jakarta Timur
Telp: (62 21) 840-1687, Fax: (62 21) 841-1464
email: nfomationcentre@taman-mini.co.id
website: www.taman-mini.co.id

Museum Pusaka
Jl. Taman Mini I Jakarta Timur
Telp: (62 21) 840-1687, Fax: (62 21) 841-1464
email: informationcentre@taman-mini.co.id
website: www.taman-mini.co.id

Museum Sejarah Jakarta
Jl. Taman Fatahillah No. 1 Jakarta Barat
Telp: (62 21) 692-9101 / 690-1483, Fax: (62 21) 690-2387

Museum Seni Rupa dan Keramik
Jl. Pos Kota No. 2 Jakarta Barat
Telp: (62 21) 690-7062 / 692-6090 / 692-6092

Museum TNI Satriamandala
Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Jakarta Selatan

Museum Taman Prasasti
Jl. Tanah Abang 1 Jakarta Pusat
Telp: (62 21) 385-4060

Museum Tekstil
Jl. Aipda K.S. Tubun No. 4 Jakarta Pusat
Telp: (62 21) 560-6613

Museum Wayang
Jl. Pintu Besar Utara No. 27 Jakarta Barat
Telp: (62 21) 692-9560 / 692-7289

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