16-19 Agustus 2007
Kepulauan Seribu (mengarungi kurang lebih 14 pulau)
Pendaftaran: starfish.adventure@gmail.com
info lengkap: AYa 9936 1274
foto-foto: http://ceritaaya.multiply.com
Buruan...karena cuma buat 16 Orang saja.
Cast Away Camping hadir lagi untuk yang ketiga kalinya.
Kemping di beberapa pulau...
Snorkelling di beberapa spot...
Foto2 dengan lokasi yang berbeda-beda........
Mancing di tengah laut.......
Main canoe ke pulau yg lebih kecil......
Bakar ikan.........
Pesta kembang api di tengah laut......
Asyik banget!!!
Perjalanan trip yang tanpa rencana..........
Satu hari bisa di hanya satu pulau.........
tapi esok....bisa mengarungi 4 pulau.........
atau lusa...........cuma 2 pulau saja...........
Menikmati liburan tanpa itinarery padat........
Just rileks, enjoy the real holiday.........
Hi everybody.
Be careful with this organization. They will lie to you from the very beginning. It was the worst trip in my whole life, and I have been travelling all around this country among others a lot.
We had to sleep on the floor under a mosquito cloud, coz they forgot to tell us about the accomodation. Actually they said, there were beds for everyby in big bungalows. We found ourselves sleeping in houses of locals who went to sleep in their kitchen for don't know how many rupiah. We only saw misery and dirt when they had promised we will be swimming among dolphins. We just went to a filthy beach for 2 hours. Went back at 7AM coz the weather was bad, and they saved our breakfast and meals (maybe was too expensive after paying 10 million rupiah 17 people). And moreover, none explanations and no apologies. Just nothing. Four guys still waiting for their money when they decided to go back to jakarta after sleeping on the floor the very first night. We felt cheated and I am sure they are laughing at us right now. 17 people who paid 600.000 Rp just for suffering during a weekend.
When I was there I only wanted to teletransport me back to Jakarta in a second and forget this island and these people.
Don't pay in advance if you finally decide to go with them. Remember that after paying, you are lost. They won't move a finger to help you. Take care and good luck!
Very sorry to hear that. Thank you for the alert. We will not publish their program anymore until we receive other explanations.